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TMG Utility Forum Recap

TMG Utility Forum

The TMG Utility Forum was held from October 12-14, 2021. The forum featured educational sessions on everything from post-COVID consumer engagement to evolving grid operations. The presentations brought forward the latest insights on key topics in the utility industry. Throughout the 3-day event, TMG offered opportunities for attendees to get to know fellow utility providers and supporting companies. On October 13, 2021, Symend spoke at the TMG Utility Forum to share findings from our in-depth study and survey of over 2,000 consumers from the US and Canada. Our educational session featured Aneesha Nilakantan, Ph.D., Senior Behavioral Scientist at Symend, who shared key insights on consumer expectations and digital fatigue from our post-COVID report. During this discussion Symend revealed:

  • How consumer expectations are accelerating the need for digital transformation
  • Why digital fatigue is reinforcing the need for personalization
  • How service providers can overcome the digital paradox consumers are experiencing as they seek digital offerings more than ever, while struggling with digital fatigue

What if you understood the underlying attitudes and perceptions that are driving these changes, and the long-term impact on engagement and repayment patterns? Watch the recording to find out.