Why Symend

Why customer-centric debt recovery?

In today’s uncertain economy, debt recovery must go beyond traditional, "zombie" collection tactics to drive meaningful results.

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We make delinquency management personal because for us, it is.

Utilizing debt recovery strategies that are built on nine years of applied behavioral science research, our approach facilitates early resolutions and reduced operational costs—while at the same time empowering customers to take control of their financial journey.

Zombie collections


Encourage payment delay: By focusing on punitive measures, traditional strategies train customers to delay action until they’re faced with serious consequences. This erodes early intervention opportunities.
Drives early action and resolution: By catalyzing action in the early stages of delinquency, we help past-due customers address debt before it escalates, which reduces recovery timelines.
Lead to overwhelm and avoidance: Frequent and impersonal outreach often overwhelms past-due customers, leading many to avoid communication altogether rather than engaging with their debt.
Empowers customers to take financial control: With respectful guidance and easy self-service payment options, we encourage customers to take control of their financial situation and reduce their debt.
Result in unnecessary charge-offs: Failure to connect effectively with customers results in more accounts reaching charge-off status, which leads to preventable revenue losses.
Maximizes customer lifetime value (LTV): Our collection strategies delay or prevent charge-offs, which preserves customer relationships and supports higher LTVs.
Require high operational costs: Traditional methods rely heavily on expensive call center operations, which drives up costs without delivering corresponding gains.
Reduces OpEx, faciliting the strategic use of human capital: Our digital debt collection and recovery solution reduces reliance on call centers, optimizing OpEx so you can focus human capital where it’s most effective.
Compromise upsell or cross-sell opportunities: Aggressive tactics may alienate customers who could be valuable future upsell or cross-sell candidates. This limits long-term revenue potential.
Improves customer satisfaction: Personalized, respectful engagement not only improves customer satisfaction—it fosters a positive brand image and keeps the doors open for future purchases.

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