The latest insights on changing billpayer behavior
Understand what’s driving your customers’ changing behaviors and explore the science of more effective engagement.
The report findings
We surveyed billpayers from the US and Canada to find out what they’re experiencing right now and how they expect things to change in the next 12 months. The findings are eye opening:
feel exhausted by screen time
are overwhelmed by decisions
have increasing money worries
Three barriers to engagement are driving changing consumer behavior
Digital fatigue:
Mental and physical exhaustion caused by excessive time on digital devices.
Decision fatigue:
A state of cognitive overload that impedes a person’s ability to effectively evaluate and make decisions.
Scarcity mindset:
When perceived or real resource limitations, perhaps on time or money, inhibit a person’s ability to effectively make decisions and prioritize.
Our research report
- Why billpayers are being driven to ignore messages, switch off notifications and get rid of providers.
- How digital fatigue, decision fatigue and scarcity mindset interrelate and compound to drive changing behaviors.
- What you can do to break the resulting vicious cycle – then effectively engage your customers and build stronger relationships.
Expert insights
A report snapshot
Over half (56%) of billpayers are struggling to make positive decisions. Find out why, and what you can do to help them, in our snapshot infographic.
Additional reading
Symend report shows financial uncertainty is putting company-customer relationships at risk
Amongst rising exhaustion and financial uncertainty, two-thirds of billpayers are cutting ties with service providers, putting company and customer relationships at risk.
Billpayers are exhausted and uncertain – and they’re taking action
Billpayers are actively disengaging from the providers they use. They’re regularly ignoring service provider messages, unsubscribing from communications, turning off notifications and deleting service provider apps.
Five ways to help customers during a recession and manage risk
We surveyed billpayers across North America to discover what they’re experiencing now, what they expect in the coming year, and what their service providers can do to help them and manage recession risk.
Every service provider can break through the barriers to customer engagement. Sign up to receive a copy of Symend’s 2022 consumer report.